Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Goal Update January 2, 2012-January 9, 2012

It's time to look at my goals from last week and see how I did. Then I'll set new goals for the upcoming week. I know I set these on a Tuesday, but I'm actually going to blog about this every Monday because that's when I log my weight loss on 
Here's how I did:
1) Lose 1 pound: I lost 2!  So, I'd say I reached that goal.

2) Taekwondo 4 times this week Check!  I went to taekwondo four times this week, and I enjoyed it.  My abs are still sore from doing so many crunches in taekwondo and at home!

3) Instead of sitting in front of the computer in the morning, get up and go for an early morning walk at least three mornings this week.  Boo. I did not achieve this goal.  Maybe this was a bit much for my goal setting this week.  I did go on two walks this weekend with the kids.  I played in the backyard, but I simply could not drag myself out of the house into the cold at 5:30 in the morning. 

4) Do 50 crunches a night.  Check.  Hubby even did them with me!
Overall, I feel really good about what I achieved this week.  I stuck to my eating plan.  I let myself splurge a little bit on a night out with Miranda Grace.  That's ok though.  Who can resist El Rey's guacamole?

Goals for this week:
1. Taekwondo 4 times this week -- this may be a bit of a challenge this week, as I have a PTA Board Meeting on Tuesday.
2. 75 Crunches a night
3. 20 Push-ups a night
4. Lose 1 pound.
5. Help support Hubby while he tries to quit smoking.  Be kinder, gentler, and realize that he is not perfect (none of us are). 
Can't wait to start out a new week right!


  1. Go you.  Way to hit your goals!!!  I am afraid of you adding more exercise that I have to match at night.  Hope correct this was grammaticaly. DH

  2. I am not going to correct your grammar. And, yes, eventually YOU will be as strong as me!

  3. Way to go Lauren!


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