Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog Silence

Wow, I haven't blogged in a week.  Last week was tumultuous for me, and I just had a ton going on.  Plus, I was sucked into reading some smutty books that I absolutely loved, and I could not put down!  Fifty Shades of Grey!  Yes, I know, hardly literature, but still a good story.  I need to get book number three from my friend tonight, so I can move on with my life!

Last week, Son Number One was having a hard time being organized at school.  His teacher said he didn't fill in his notebook for a whole week, and when she asked him why, he said it was "lost."  She opened his desk, and it was the very first thing in there.  That's my kid! This week, he is trying to be the star student, so he's not letting anything get in his way.  He's growing up, and first grade will be over before I know it.

We spent the whole weekend swimming at my Mom's house, and he fell asleep at Ixtapa (our favorite Mexican restaurant) afterwards, and then in the car on Saturday night.  He's still fighting the exhaustion of a weekend of fun and sun. His cousins came to swim on Monday, and we had a wonderful cookout.  My Mom and Dad grew these amazing fairy tale eggplant in their garden.  We grilled them, and they just melted in your mouth.  Absolutely delicious.  There is nothing like fresh, organic vegetables! 

My niece was putting faux hawks in everyone's hair, and she did this to Caden.  I think he looks like a Who, and I wish I'd had her here for Whoville Hair Day!

Number Two has also had a busy few weeks.  He was able to have his teeth fixed, from where he fell on the bleachers in March.  He had to have "nerve treatment," which is just a really nice way of saying a root canal!  His teeth are no longer blackish looking, which is fantastic. 

He also graduated from the Early Pre-K program at his daycare.  He's changing schools last year, so I was glad they did a little ceremony at the school.  He sang songs, and he really shook his stuff, but unfortunately he was behind another kid the whole time, so the video did not turn out great.  Here's a wonderful photo of Number Two with his dad from his graduation!

Number Two has also, diligently, been learning how to swim.  We invested in five private lessons, but he is still scared to death of the water IF he doesn't have his floaties on.  He actually jumped in with the floatie on this weekend, and swam around the whole pool all weekend on, so that is progress as he used to be scared just to put a toe in the water. We want him to be comfortable by the time we go to the beach in July.  He's getting there, slowly but surely.

Darling Daughter turned two!  I can hardly believe it.  She's growing up so quickly.  She is starting to talk a lot, but her speech is a little delayed from the hearing problems associated with her ears pre-tubes. 

We grilled-out with friends and my parents for her birthday and had a wonderful time.  She also is starting to do a little bit better with our friends, although she is still unusually clingy to me.  We had breakthrough this weekend, when she let my niece hold her and play with her in the pool.  I even have photographic evidence:

I also took Darling Daughter to buy new shoes.  I bought her purple Keen sandals.  I absolutely LOVE the way they look on her.  I was surprised she wore a size 8!  She apparently is going to have HUGE feet, like one of her aunts!  She had her 2 year appointment yesterday, and she weighed 25.5 pounds (about 30th percentile) and was 34 inches (55th-60th percentile).  She is growing like a weed.


  1. Wow, the kids are growing up so much!  Especially #1!  Trust me, I totally understand the 'silence'.  It seems hard to find the time to sit and write when the soft couch or my bed are so inviting.  Great update on the family!

  2. Such cute photos! We just had to buy new shoes for my younger son (he's just a week or so younger than your #2) but he's on the 'small' side, lol! His was also a size 8!


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