Sunday, March 24, 2013

Running Again and Puzzle Mania

Yesterday, I decided to try running again.  My shin was feeling great: no pain at all.  I'd stopped doing high jumps at Taekwondo, and I basically babied it and iced the thing A LOT.  Well I went out and I ran 3.22 miles in 30 minutes 13 seconds.  I was so happy when I finished.  I want to do it again today.  I do think I need to look into new shoes or inserts, but I'll wait until April when I have more money to invest. 

This weekend, we've been struggling with the rain doldrums.  Number One was in the worse mood yesterday, and he was content to feel that way.  It made me wonder (as I often do), if happiness is a state of mind.  I am beginning to think more and more that it is.  If you want to be happy, then you have to make yourself feel that way.  Maybe that's a no brainer, but as someone who has suffered on and off from depression my whole life this seems like enlightenment to me.  I hate to see my son struggling with the same demons I've faced.  I know he will overcome them, because he has this incredible drive and motivation. 

Number Two and I have bonded over puzzles.  Seriously.  I absolutely LOVE puzzles.  Anyone in my family can tell you.  I used to spend a lot of time putting together 1,000 and 1,500 piece puzzles.  My parents once bought me a 3-D puzzle of a building.  I think it's the creativity in me, watching the pieces of color turn into something tangible.  Number Two loves them too.  He can help out with a 150 piece puzzle quite easily.  This weekend, we bought a set of 8 puzzles in a Mega Box!

They range from 150 to 500 pieces, so we're stepping it up a notch with him.  We put together the Lightning McQueen puzzle last night, and we'll work on another one today.  So much fun to share this joy with him, and I love that we can do it together. 

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