Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby Steps: Working Towards Injury Free

I attempted to run this morning.  I guess I woke up thinking that I would knock off 3 miles with no problem, and maybe my unrealistic expectations are what prevented me.  I could have kept going.  I could have walked for a few miles, but I was disappointed.  I did .42 miles in 5 minutes 20 seconds.  That's a whooping 12 minute 35 second mile, and I didn't even go a mile before my shin started hurting. 

It didn't start hurting badly, but I was afraid to push it.  It finally feels mostly better, and I don't want to re injure myself.  I just need to baby my way back into the sport.  Now I'm sitting in the blue recliner, that used to belong to my grandfather (Gipop), and icing the sucker, hoping it will feel completely better overnight. 

Tomorrow, I'm planning on going 1 mile. I know 1 mile was do-able, even today, but I freaked when I started feeling the least bit of pain.  There's always tomorrow.  I'll have to go to Taekwondo tonight to get my exercise, as 5 minutes 20 seconds is NOT enough! 

In the meantime, I'm trying to find some good ideas for my weight loss post, as it's been a few weeks since I've posted an edition.  Bear with me.  I'll try to blog one this week now that my computer is in tip-top shape again (or mostly, at least). 

I spent the weekend mostly stuck behind a book.  I finished Underworld by Don DeLillo, and I recommend it to anyone who's willing to commit to reading an 827 page book that takes a little bit of thought processing.  Now I'm reading Amsterdam by Ian McEwan.  It's short.  I'll finish it today, maybe even after I finish this post, but I have firmly decided that I'm not a McEwan fan.  His subject matter is interesting, but his delivery is boring, or his characters, or something about his writing:  BORING.  And it could be that my mind is still engrossed in all the little nuances of Underworld.  The book wasn't perfect, but sometimes when you finish a book that you're absorbed in, totally interested in, it's almost like a grieving process at the end.  You feel like the character's lives have come to an end, and it's hard to move onto a new book, a different writing style, and new characters.  

My Dad also celebrated his birthday this weekend, and my Mom came down for the party, taking a break from the twins.  It was so nice to have us all together, with my brother and his kids: talking and talking, eating, drinking, and just having a great time.  I really enjoy our time when we're all together, even if my boys were hyped up by the end!

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