Monday, March 19, 2012

A Crafty Site for a Non-Crafty Person

I joined Pinterest today, thanks to the invitation of one of my friends.  I picked categories like: kids, food, home decor, art.  Pinterest automatically linked me to some followers.  Then it linked me to all my friends.  I don't know if they will automatically follow me, but maybe.  And, I just have to let you know that I will NEVER be posting cutesy little projects on there.  Craftiness has always been an enigma to me.

I always wondered how people could look at a piece of cloth and then turn it into something.  Just now, I looked and there was the cutest project ever for kids, a caterpillar made out of buttons.
Source: via Beth on Pinterest

I mean, come on, anyone can do this but I would never have thought of doing something like this.  It is so adorable, and for some reason when people post things like this it makes me insanely guilty. 

Art in my house is stored in a cabinet in the kitchen.  The cabinet has markers, crayons, Color Wonder, and painting.  The painting rarely is done because of the mess.  My kids will not be crafty, even though some part of my heart would love them to be!  I'd love to sit down on a Saturday or Sunday and make a little button caterpillar, or make something out of cloth.  This creativeness, very much like writing, allows the creator to turn nothing into something, like turning a blank page into a story. 

Craftiness must be a gene I just wasn't born with.  I'd rather throw the kids in the backyard and hit a ball with them, or watch the caterpillar life cycle, or sit on the couch and read a book with them.  I think; however, next weekend we may attempt a button caterpillar.  This thing is just too cute to pass up, and easy even for me!


  1. I'm not crafty either...but I just LOVE Pinterst and find MANY ideas from there!!!

  2. It really is a neat website.  I love it too!


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