Friday, January 2, 2015

Follow Through

It's 2015. Happy New Year! With a new year, resolutions always come.  Most people make a list of things they want to change in their life: exercise more, become healthier, lose 50 pounds, write a book, get published; and they don't follow through.

I've had a problem with follow through my whole life.  In fact, two years I wrote a book, talked it up, and then let it sit on my laptop.  The word(s) of my year is "Follow Through."  To follow through, you can't give up.  The words inherently hold the other three words: don't give up.  Don't think you can't. Instead think you can.  

I don't know about you, but for a lot of my life I've been scared to do things. I'm a capable person, but I always had this feeling I couldn't. I'm not smart enough to do that; I would never know how to start; What if I do that and it bothers people?  I had this little voice in my head just talking me down, sending negative feedback, that, unfortunately, for a long time I listened to.  Until, one day I didn't. One day, I thought, "Hey, if that idiot can publish a book then so can I?"  If that guy who used to weigh 300 pounds can run a 5k, then so can I!"  I changed the way I thought but letting go of the fear, which is so hard, but can be done with practice and by setting small goals and achieving them one at a time.

This year, I'm going to be busy, because I'm in a group to write 1,000 words a day.  I also recently joined Jamberry, and I'll have to put some time into that if I want to be successful.  I need to finish editing my book, so I can self-publish.  I also want to begin querying again, so I can add to my rejection pile.  All of that with three kids, a full time job, and a house to clean.  Everynote's daily checklist is becoming my best friend.

But all of this is to say though it may be overwhelming the way to get things done is to FOLLOW THROUGH.  Tell yourself everyday: I CAN DO THIS!  And realize that a way to a happy life is finding your purpose, your reason why for getting up every morning and braving the world.  For me, my purpose is writing, and I'll do whatever it takes to succeed.

Be your biggest cheerleader.  Get it done. Achieve your goals.  Be tenacious.


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