Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday: The Giants vs. The Patriots.  Hubby and I were invited to a gathering at Cuco's, a local Mexican restaurant, with Hubby's soccer team.  Hubby is currently playing indoor soccer with the Y.M.C.A.  He is the goalie.  I dragged the kids over there to watch him today, but most of the time I ended up chasing the kids around.  They are not full fledged sports watching fans yet (can't say I blame them!).

We arranged for my Mom to babysit, although when we arrived we noticed that almost everyone had brought their children (Our children, at least the youngest two, would not have lasted the whole game).  Also, almost all of the people there were Giants fans, and oh yeah, we were the only Gringos besides the girlfriend of somebody whose name I didn't catch. 

All of the people who gathered there last night were from somewhere in South America: Brasil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia.  The men and the women separated (except for me, the other Gringo girl, and the Brasilian wife).  The women watched the little ones, and the men talked shouted about politics and other philosophies in Spanish.  Hubby leaned over to me more than once to see what they were saying, but my Spanish is so rusty I was catching maybe every other word.  I felt like saying "Mas despacio por favor" (slower please) half the night, but I was really just eavesdropping anyway!

They brought hubby tequila.  They said it was so sweet it taste like wine, and you are supposed to sip on it instead of shoot it down.  Hubby told me to take a sip, and I'll tell you tequila is not something I ever want to sip on, even if it is sweet and smooth.  Darling Daughter's cardiologist also happened to be there.  He's from Argentina.  He brought Hubby three or four shots of that "sweet" tequila.  I'm wondering right about now how Hubby is going to get up for work today. 

I love the Hispanic culture.  When we entered the room everyone went around shaking hands (and kissing cheeks), introducing themselves around the room and greeting even strangers like old friends.  I told Hubby we should do that at our next party. 

And the Super Bowl was exciting.  Hubby would disagree.  He is a HUGE Patriots fan.  At first, he was almost gloating as they were winning and talking smack by text to one of his friends.  Then at the end as things began to unfold, I thought he might have an aneurysm.  I always joke that I am pulling for the other team, but in reality I usually don't care one way or other.  I'm not a huge football fan.  I watch it mainly because Hubby watches it, and I usually go for the underdog.  The game was exciting , the commercials good, I enjoyed Madonna, and the company was fantastic, what more could you ask for?

Hubby spoke to a few of the guys afterwards and mentioned having a barbecue at our house towards the end of the soccer season.  We went around receiving kisses and hugs from everyone, and then came home to a quiet house.

1 comment:

  1. Your forgot about the third gringo. Why is the room spinning.


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