The Goal Post
And the cold continues to plague my workout schedule this week. I just started a sentence with "and," which my 8 year old says is a huge no-no. I think he earned my talents for looking at grammar as the only set of rigid rules in the world! My workouts suffered this week, because of Halloween, an 8 year old birthday party, and the fact that I cannot get over this cold. Plus, I'm hating this time change. I keep waking up at 4:30, and then I feel ready for bed by 8:30. I need my body to get used to it. So here goes, my goals from last week:
Run 1.25 miles: I did not. I did buy new running shoes. They are Brooks' Ravennas, and they are awesome, and I'm excited to get some mileage on them. I ran 1 mile on Sunday in 8 minutes 45 seconds, and then I promptly petered out. My Taekwondo instructor told me to try to run that pace for half a mile, slow up for another half a mile, then try to run fast for another half a mile to get to 1.5 miles. We'll see if that works.
- Perfect my Yul Guuk Form: Eh--so so. I think I did pretty well working on it Tuesday night, but once again we have a few changes. I just don't feel like it flows as well as some of my other forms, but maybe it's mental on my part. I haven't been at Taekwondo as much lately, because there is just so much going on in my life, and again this cold is wrecking my lungs. I must really work on this. I am a slight perfectionist!
- Work on My Novel: I did. I hate one of my characters. How do you keep going if you begin to hate your main character? I mean, she is okay, but I do feel like she's making all the wrong choices. Maybe that's where she's supposed to lead me. Plus, I came up with another great idea, and I need to outline and do character sketches for that story. My creative juices runneth over.
Goals for This Week
- Run 1 mile: I'm backing down to 1 mile once this cold actually leaves my body. I think I'm going to need to build back up again a little bit, plus I really need to break in my running shoes (not to mention my bones and joints) before I run to far.
- Work on My Novel: Write 5-10 pages on my novel this week. Take the time to put some thought into it. Really get into my characters' heads. Character sketch the other idea I have, but don't stop working on the novel that I'm already 50 pages into.
- Stop Eating Candy: I love almond joys. And when they're sitting on the corner of my desk for everyone else to eat them, I begin to unwrap and pop them in my mouth. Stop sabotaging yourself, Lauren, and get back on the wagon. An occasional treat is okay, but I need to stop overdoing it.
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