Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Bluest Eyes

Darling Daughter was delighted this evening to have Mexican food for dinner.  She smiled at me, and I shot a few photos.  I love this one of her the best:

She has the most beautiful eyes, and I continue to think she is the most gorgeous baby in the world.  Of course, I'm a bit biased.

This weekend was busy, as always.  I kept thinking two things: I need to figure out what I'm doing for the kids' Easter baskets and I need to buy diapers.  Neither item was completed, so I'll be going out on my lunch tomorrow to try to take care of that.

Instead, yesterday I did kisado and taekwondo.  Son Number One came with me, so gimpy Hubby would only have to watch two crazy children.  Son Number One was rearing and ready to go when we finished, but I was enjoying conversation.

I think I overdid it, because most of yesterday I was tired.  I ended up taking Son Number Two to have his first haircut.  He really didn't need it, but he's been asking for one for an eternity and he finally had enough hair to actually be cut.  The stylist was impressed with how still he was. He loved the buzzer.

I was so proud of my boy.  Afterwards, we walked over to Target, because it was such a nice day.  Son Number Two wanted to show me what he wanted for his birthday.  I still can't believe he will be four in a little over two weeks.  Time flies.  While there, I stared at the diapers, but we had walked down there so I didn't buy any.  I did, however, buy much needed workout pants and a new sports bra.  Yay!  I love Target. 

Afterwards, we went home and the kids acted nutty until it was bedtime.  I went to bed at 8:30, because I was just exhausted. 

I woke up today at 6:30 AM, and my day started.  Hubby can't do much around the house, so I'm trying to pick up the slack.  We went upstairs and cleaned Son Number One's room.  It looks so much better, and we'll work on the other two in the next few days.  I also did about a hundred loads of laundry.  I went grocery shopping with all three kids.  Then I managed to go to dance.  Such a long and busy day, and I really felt productive but tired.

I made this yummy recipe that I found on Pinterest. I enjoyed it, and the kids thought it was so-so (maybe a bit too spicy for them).  Plus, mine did not look anywhere near as pretty as hers.  My enchiladas fell apart!  Oh well!!!

What a wonderful weekend, but as normal it went by too quickly.

1 comment:

  1. She does have gorgeous blue eyes!!!! All your kiddos are cute!!


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